
All conference rooms at the Lodge-Annex are available for reservation by any San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department employee. Details on How-To reserve one of the four (4) conference rooms are listed below:

Table 1: Conference Room Names and Outlook Calendars



Outlook Address

Suggested Capacity


Annex Conference Room



8 to 10

We will be changing the name of this room by Fall 2019

Commission Room



12 to 25

See page 2 for the rules to use this historic space

TMA Training Room



8 (+1 Trainer)

(Computer Training Only,

8 workstations, no food/drinks)

William Hammond Hall



8 to 10


Reservation Procedure

Step 1: Double Click any spot on your Outlook calendar, a new window should open.

Step 2: In the new window, click on the “Scheduling Assistant” button at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Click the “Add Rooms” button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Type “REC” into the search field.

Step 5: Look for one of the Outlook Addresses in Table 1 above. Select the conference room of your choice and click the ”Rooms ” button. Click “Ok.”

At this point, the Scheduling Assistant screen should provide a line in which you can see the availability of the room. Add attendees as you normally would, ensure the correct date and time frame are specified at the bottom of the Scheduling Assistant screen an d cl i ck “ Sen d ,” in or d er to   send your request for th e r oo m. If you do n ot cl i ck “ send ,” you r reservation will not be made. If completed correctly, you should receive an email in approximately 5-10 seconds that states your request to schedule the room is accepted or denied.* If you receive a denial email, you will be provided with the name of the employee with whom you have a scheduling conflict.

               *If you are reserving the TMA Training Room, you will need to wait for an approval from the administrator


1. Any food or drinks may only be placed on the glass surfaces

2. Do not block the Commission Liaison’s office door

3. Leave all furniture in the room

4. If you add any chairs to the room for your meeting, please ensure that you remove those chairs once you leave the room

5. Do not enter the vault

6. Do not hang anything on the walls

7. Make sure to take all of your documents and materials with you when you leave the room